Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Unpersonal Finance


(That's the number the keeps me up at night, and currently distracts me from my professional obligations as a sixth grade educator.)

September, 2021. 

(That's the timeline I've set for diminishing that embarrassingly substantial level of student debt.)

Recently, in an episode of personal vulnerability I experienced an unusual feeling of freedom as I spoke with a couple of family members about how deep my wife and I are in the hole and how I had worked out a plan to get us back on level ground within the next three years or so.

Admittedly, as much as I love pouring over my spreadsheets and formulas, I have rarely discussed matters of personal finance with anyone at all. For some reason, money has been somewhat of a taboo topic in regular conversation through my life experience. I understand this is the norm for most people as well. Through this blog, I hope to make money more conversation-friendly, at least in my own life.

After confessing that we are in it deeply to those family members, I made a personal commitment to being more transparent about the state of my finances. Why not share the journey out of debt with the people around me? Why keep it so personal? Why not make it... unpersonal?

A few weeks into the New Year, after sharing this liberating confession, I texted those same family members to inform them that we had officially hurdled the 10% mark... in just the first month. With 90%... $67,500.00 ... to go, here are a few reasons I'm starting this blog.

  1. I like the idea of blogging, but have never been too consistent with the habit. 
  2. I consider personal finance a hobby, and I need to pursue my interests more. Education is a beautiful profession, but in the middle of my first year I already feel like it's consuming me. I'm not loving it like I did, and I think that is in part because I don't let myself take breaks from it. This blog will be one of those breaks. 
  3. Debt is heavy, and I need to unload some of that weight somewhere. 
  4. While I've set a goal for my wife and I to eliminate our debt, I know we've got a long road ahead of us. I'd like to chronicle the journey through its many emotional states and strategical stages. 
With all of that said, here's to a target of 100% debt down!

Currently reading: Money: Master the Game by @TonyRobbins
Currently listening: High Noon by @arkellsmusic
Currently drinking: Aroresa (Ethiopia) from @transcendcoffee